amsl Repositories and Extensions
OntoWiki Fork
GitHubThis is a fork of the original OntoWiki project that can be found here. It contains all amsl-specific changes. Providing the base of amsl it is a requirement.
amsl Vocabulary
GitHubThe amsl vocabulary is a collection of ERM-related classes and properties that provide basic and extended functionality. It has been developed at Leipzig University Library and will also be extended in the future as new requirements emerge.
Fulltextsearch Extension
GitHubThe Fulltext Search Extension provides real-time search capabilities for amsl. The whole system consists of three components: the amsl extension, the elastic search server and a Spring Web-based index-service application that provides the communication between the aforementioned. Currently the amsl extension can be downloaded but the service is not available to date.
Template Extension
GitHubThe Template Extension is used to describe forms in RDF and to store them within amsl. These descriptions can then be used to display forms for different data input purposes.
List Exporter Extension
GitHubThe list exporter makes lists in amsl downloadable as CSV. The generated lists can then be imported into other software like Excel for further processing.
Link-and-create Extension
GitHubThis extension adds a widget to the resource view that provides functionality for creating and linking related resources.
Files Extension
GitHubThe Files extension extends the built-in file extension by generating triples from uploaded files describing the data in a more detailled manner.
Title List (CSV) Importer Extension
GitHubThe Title List (CSV) Importer extension enables amsl to import Title List (CSV) files containing titles, identifiers and prices for contract items.
Counter Importer Extension
GitHubThe Counter Importer extension enables amsl to automatically import COUNTER XML files via the SUSHI protocol, processes it and store it in form of RDF.
Docker Virtuoso
GitHubThis repository contains a docker file for different versions of the Virtuoso Triple store.